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Grant Keypup access to specific GitHub organizations
Grant Keypup access to specific GitHub organizations
Tom Azernour avatar
Written by Tom Azernour
Updated over a week ago

When you connect GitHub to Keypup, some of your GitHub organizations may not be configured to be automatically included. For these organizations, you can either grant access as part of the connection process (click the Grant button next to organization during the OAuth flow) or do it afterward via the GitHub settings.

This help article explains how to perform the latter, by manually allowing Keypup to access some of your GitHub organizations via the GitHub OAuth settings.

  1. Go to GitHub's web interface, go to Settings and click Applications in the left navigation.

2. Click on Authorized OAuth Apps tab, then select Keypup to open the detailed permissions.

3. If you are the admin, you should be able to Grant access to your organization by Keypup.

4. If not, you can Request access to your admin from the same place.

5. When access is granted a green tick will appear in the App & project > Connected apps section. The project list is refreshed every hour and automatically updated with the projects that are discovered. You can also force the refresh by disconnecting then reconnecting your GitHub account.

You can now import your projects to populate templates with company data.

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