This dashboard provides a funnel to understand and evaluate the global quality of software deliveries within your team, by answering the following questions:
Is the code shipped in a proper way? Are pull requests reasonably sized? Are they systematically reviewed before being merged?
Does the legacy code cause issues or misbehaviors? Was continuous refactoring integrated by your teams in their day-to-day programming? Does the existing code evolve to eliminate obsolete patterns or chunks?
What is the topology of bugs and how efficiently are they handled?
This approach allows you to identify and address bottlenecks at any step of the development.
Average PR size: Measures the average number of lines changed (described as PR size) for all merged pull requests.
That metric is used as an entry point for development good practices, such as breaking big items into smaller ones to facilitate and accelerate code reviews and deployments.
Bugs Lead Time For Changes: Measures the amount of time it takes an open bug to get handled (i.e. closed) after being assigned. Organizations use this metric to measure their ability to respond to faults in platforms and products.
Bugs raised recently: The number of bugs raised per month. Measures the evolutions of production defects raised by your team. The insight includes both open and closed bugs.
Bugs severity: A breakdown of open bugs created, grouped by severity. This metric is used to draw the line between high-impact and low priority bugs, rather than assessing the global quality of code.
It is best used with the “Bugs raised recently” insight to add some context around the number of bugs raised recently.
PR review ratio: Measures the yearly approval ratio of all merged pull requests. This is an audit insight checking that pull requests met their minimum review requirements.
Industry standards (e.g. SOC 2) recommend that pull requests be peer reviewed to ensure quality deliveries and eliminate functional and security bugs from production code.
Refactoring ratio: Measures the weekly ratio of lines of code deleted vs added. This is an indication of how much refactoring is done by the team on an ongoing basis.
Refactoring consists in improving the code structure or tidiness while keeping the original functionalities. Thorough code refactoring allows the company to maintain an optimized and sustainable code base, while reducing technical debt altogether.