Issues and PRs > Assigned at
Tom Azernour avatar
Written by Tom Azernour
Updated over a week ago

Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests

Entity: Pull Requests, Issues

Field ID: assigned_at

Type: Datetime

Description: The datetime at which a user was first assigned to the item. This date cannot be earlier than when the item was imported into Keypup.

Source: Calculated

Transformation logic: It is the datetime at which the assignees array attribute was first modified. Since this tracking is performed on the Keypup side, it only applies to issues and pull requests that get users assigned after being imported to Keypup. This field will be set to null when we detect that users were assigned prior to importing the issue or pull request to Keypup because we cannot know precisely when this assignment occurred.


Github (PRs, Issues)

Calculated from changes on assignees

Gitlab (PRs, Issues)

Calculated from changes on assignees

Bitbucket (PRs)

Calculated from changes on assignees

JIRA (Issues)

Calculated from changes on assignees

ClickUp (Issues)

Calculated from changes on assignees

Trello (Issues)

Calculated from changes on members

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