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Issues and PRs > Past Assignees
Arnaud Lachaume avatar
Written by Arnaud Lachaume
Updated over 9 months ago

Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests

Entity: Pull Requests, Issues

Field ID: past_assignee_usernames

Type: Select list

Description: The list of usernames from people previously assigned to the issue or pull request. Note that usernames are app-specific.

Source: App

Transformation logic:

  • GitHub, GitLab, Jira, and Trello: List of unassigned users, from historical events

  • ClickUp: Since this app does not expose historical events, Keypup tracks changes on the assignees field to detect the people who were previously assigned. This tracking only applies to unassignments performed after the project has been connected to Keypup.


Github (PRs, Issues)

Collected from unassigned events

Gitlab (PRs, Issues)

Collected from unassigned events

Bitbucket (PRs)

N/A - no concepts of assignment

JIRA (Issues)

Collected from unassigned events

ClickUp (Issues)

Generated by observing changes on the assignees field (ClickUp does not expose historical events).

Trello (Issues)

Collected from unassigned events

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