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Issues and PRs > Owners
Arnaud Lachaume avatar
Written by Arnaud Lachaume
Updated over a week ago

Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests

Entity: Pull Requests, Issues

Field ID: owner_usernames

Type: Select list

Description: The list of usernames from people considered owners of the item. For pull requests, this is the author. For issues, this is the list of assignees. Owners are expected to make the item (issue or pull request) move forward in the project management flow.

This field was created to simplify filtering across issues and pull requests, especially dashboard-wide filtering. Using the owners field you can easily filter an entire dashboard of issue and pull request metrics for a specific team member or squad.

Source: Calculated

Transformation logic:

  • Issues: This is the list of assignees

  • Pull requests: this is the author (single element list)


Github (PRs, Issues)


Gitlab (PRs, Issues)


Bitbucket (PRs)


JIRA (Issues)


ClickUp (Issues)


Trello (Issues)


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