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System limits
Tom Williams avatar
Written by Tom Williams
Updated over 2 months ago

The Keypup platform enforces several limits to maintain the stability and performance of the platform. These limits are detailed below.

Insight datapoints

When building insights, the chart/KPI is populated based on the configuration table, found in the builder.

System limit

This table is limited to 500 records. This means that charts will display 500 data points at most.

How to handle this limit

You can work around this limit by using filters to restrict the range of data to report on (e.g. decrease the time range, focus on specific projects or labels to focus on) or changing to a wider granularity (e.g. group dates by months rather than weeks or days).

Data export

System limit

Data exports are limited to 500 records. This means that 500 data points from the chart or report will be returned at most.

How to handle this limit

You can work around this limit by using filters to restrict the range of data to report on (e.g. decrease the time range, focus on specific projects or labels to focus on) or changing to a wider granularity (e.g. group dates by months rather than weeks or days) expectedly gives good results.

Pull requests to Issue linking

Keypup supports the discovery of Issue-to-PR relationships via auto-closing keywords. Issue-to-PR relationships are useful for cross-entity queries (e.g. filter pull requests based on issue labels, or use issue creation date at the pull request level…).

System limit

The issue-to-PR relationship discovery is limited to 50 issues for each pull request and 50 pull requests for each issue. Associated issues and pull requests are discovered by order of creation (from oldest to newest) to keep the behavior consistent.

How to handle this limit

Having 50+ associated issues for a single pull request generally means a release or rebase PR has been left open for quite some time and should be considered an outlier.

Length of Issue/PR descriptions

PR and Issue descriptions are limited to 10,000 characters to maintain reasonable system performance.

Values exceeding this content will be truncated to 9997 characters and terminated with an ellipsis (...)

E.g. some really really long description with...

Length of custom field attributes

The value of custom fields (e.g. Jira custom fields) attributes is limited to 200 characters. In the case of complex fields with embedded objects, this value applies to each embedded object attribute (e.g. "fix versions > object > description")

Values exceeding this content will be truncated to 197 characters and terminated with an ellipsis (...)

E.g. some really really long content with...

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