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Issues and PRs > First comment after review requested at
Issues and PRs > First comment after review requested at
Tom Williams avatar
Written by Tom Williams
Updated over a week ago

Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests

Entity: Pull Requests, Issues

Field ID: first_comment_after_review_requested_at

Type: Datetime

Description: The datetime of the first comment made after a peer review was requested. This timestamp may help identify when a peer review started for GitLab and Bitbucket, which do not support a formal review system. For GitHub, use the field first_review_created_at instead.

Source: Calculated

Transformation logic:

  • Pull requests: Datetime of the first comment created after a a peer review was requested.

  • Issues: it is the datetime of the newest first comment made after a peer review across all resolving pull requests. Resolving pull requests are pull requests that reference the issue via auto-closing keywords.

The table below maps the fields or logic from the source systems corresponding the most closely to the transformation carried out by Keypup:


Github (PRs)


Gitlab (PRs)


Bitbucket (PRs)



N/A (see transformation logic)


N/A (see transformation logic)


N/A (see transformation logic)

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