Disconnect your projects
Tom Azernour avatar
Written by Tom Azernour
Updated over a week ago

To disconnect a project/repository from Keypup, go to Settings > Apps & Projects (or simply click here) at the bottom left section of your screen in the navigation menu.

Note : Only Admins can connect/disconnect projects to a team. This will impact your monthly billing (read more here).

This will open automatically the Imported projects tab which will show you which projects/repositories are active and which ones are disabled.

To disconnect projects, select them by ticking the boxes and set them as disabled selecting the Disable selected button.

Your selected projects will be set as Disabled and their data will no longer appear in your insights.

Note: you can search a project by name using the search bar, or see all projects/repos available from the connected apps (active or not) by selecting All from the status filter.

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