This dashboard provides a funnel to assess and understand the development patterns within your company and teams by answering the following questions:
What was the extent of work committed to each project? Where were the global investments made?
What behaviors do engineering teams adopt in regard to their tasks? Does their working habit ensure the team's well-being?
Who has knowledge about a specific field or project? Who is best suited to complete a particular task?
This approach allows you to identify and address bottlenecks at a project or individual level.
Project effort distribution: This metric is used to understand how the development effort is spread on coexisting projects.
Workload categorization: This metric breaks down the tasks the engineering workload addresses across broad categories.
Planned vs. unplanned work ratio: This insight helps understand whether the development follows a plan (e.g. each Pull Request follows an Issue) or if tasks are informally communicated to the development team (e.g. via Slack).
Engineering proficiency: Measures the number of commits per user per project, on all pull requests over the selected time-period (e.g. 12 months).
Engineering workload distribution: This metric provides an overview of the type of tasks individual engineers have been working on, based on labels (E.g. feature developments, bugs correction, etc.).
Engineering work pattern analysis: This metric provides a granular view of the working pattern of the engineers and of the team.