Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests
Entity: Pull Requests
Field ID: suggested_merger_usernames
Type: List of text values
Description: The list of people usernames that are suggested to merge this pull request based on historical merge activity. Note that usernames are app specific.
Source: Calculated
Transformation logic:
Keypup uses a scoring system per project and per user, which is based on the number of pull requests merged and how recent these merges were.
In essence:
Users that merge often on a given repository are more likely to be suggested for pull requests belonging to this repository.
Users that were previously not merging and that started to merge often within the last few weeks are more likely to be suggested.
Users that used to merge often a few months ago but haven’t merged much recently are less likely to be suggested.
The table below maps the fields or logic from the source systems corresponding the most closely to the transformation carried out by Keypup:
From: |
Github | N/A |
Gitlab | N/A |
Bitbucket | N/A |
JIRA | N/A |
ClickUp | N/A |
Trello | N/A |