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Issues and PRs > Review approved at
Tom Williams avatar
Written by Tom Williams
Updated over 8 months ago

Dataset: Issues & Pull Requests

Entity: Pull Requests, Issues

Field ID: review_approved_at

Type: Datetime

Description: The datetime at which a pull request first met its minimum approval quota from approving reviews. For issues, it is the oldest approval timestamp from resolving pull requests.

Source: Calculated from pull request reviews

Transformation logic:

  • Pull requests: It is the submission datetime of the first review that allowed the pull request to meet its minimum number of approving reviews to be considered approved.
    The minimum number of approving reviews is a configuration parameter that is usually available in each git project. If none was configured, Keypup considers that the minimum number of approving reviews is 1.
    Note that pull requests will not be considered as “approved” while there is a “request changes” review still active, even if the number of approving reviews reaches the minimum number of approving reviews. The “request changes” review must be discarded or re-requested for review first.

  • Issues: It is the oldest “approved at” datetime across all resolving pull requests. Resolving pull requests are pull requests that reference the issue via auto-closing keywords.

The table below maps the fields or logic from the source systems corresponding the most closely to the transformation carried out by Keypup:


Github (PR reviews)


Gitlab (PRs reviews)


Bitbucket (PR reviews)



N/A (see transformation logic)


N/A (see transformation logic)


N/A (see transformation logic)

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