Tom Azernour avatar
Written by Tom Azernour
Updated over a week ago


Syntax: COUNT_TOTAL() or COUNT_TOTAL(field)

Description: Counts the total number of records across all groupings (i.e. all records retrieved across the union of all dimensions). When a field is provided the function counts the number of records where the field value is not null.

The COUNT_TOTAL aggregator may be used in custom formulas to create relative ratios and ponderate the result of other aggregators such as COUNT or COUNT_CUMULATIVE.

Sample usage:

  • COUNT_TOTAL() returns the total number of records across all groups.

  • COUNT_TOTAL(due_on) returns the total number of records where due_on is not null.

  • ROUND(COUNT() / COUNT_TOTAL(), 2) * 100 returns the percentage that each COUNT represents in comparison to the grand total.

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